Saturday, March 31, 2012

So what do we have then?

So I used my buddies from the USA Discount Games inc. again, as they offer a massive price reduction, even over Wayland games, so that is pretty sweet for a Uni student like me. Even with the US mail service being a bit of a handicap as it is something that is not as good as the British Royal Mail, Discount Games gave me a refund due to me purchasing over X amount - you'll have to check with them though ;)

Wins all round!

I have ordered one of each of the Warlocks:
Bloody Barnabus.
Calaban, the Grave Walker.
Maelok, the Dreadbound.

Something that is nice about having a half-faction; you have fewer choices to make and if you are a bit of a compulsive in that regard like I am, this is a good thing :)

Wrong Eye & Snapjaw.

2x Blackhide Wrastlers.
Ironback Spitter - and my brother has one of his own that I can borrow.

Bull Snapper.

2x full Gatorman Posses.

Totem Hunter.
Croak Hunter.

I have basically got access to the proven 'beasts, as well as the excellent Gatorman posses. These do most of the heavy lifting from what I can gather. With one each of the solos, I can fill out the points in lists and have some quite different things to paint whilst I am at it.

In the meanwhile, the package is in transit....

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